The Meet the Author Event at the Salt Spring island Public library on Thursday, May 26, was attended by a small but enthusiastic group. Everyone was interested in Medical Man and enjoyed learning about the archival material we always bring to our book launches. All were attentive during the reading of a section of the book and as always intrigued about the stories of pioneer medicine.
Inteterestingly, many of the questions turned to the "back story" . How and why did Robert decide to move from his life as an HBC trader to become a doctor, how did he meet his wife and how did a school teacher born and raised in southern Ontario marry an HBC trader born and raised in the wilds of northern Quebec and Ontario?
Good questions, are of which reminded me that The Trader's Son needs all of my attention. I will continue to present Medical Man at Meet the Author Events, but all of my research and writing time must be concentrated on the next book . The Trader's Son tells the stories of the early lives of Robert and Jennie, how they grew up completely unknown to one another, leading remarkably different lives, until they met and married and immigrated from the eastern provinces to the "Wild West " of pioneer Alberta.
To that end, my semi-weekly blog posts for Medical Man will be on hiatus for the next few months...Please continue to check for coming one is 2:00 to 4:30 pm on June 7 at the Royal Colwood Golf Club in Victoria.
Inteterestingly, many of the questions turned to the "back story" . How and why did Robert decide to move from his life as an HBC trader to become a doctor, how did he meet his wife and how did a school teacher born and raised in southern Ontario marry an HBC trader born and raised in the wilds of northern Quebec and Ontario?
Good questions, are of which reminded me that The Trader's Son needs all of my attention. I will continue to present Medical Man at Meet the Author Events, but all of my research and writing time must be concentrated on the next book . The Trader's Son tells the stories of the early lives of Robert and Jennie, how they grew up completely unknown to one another, leading remarkably different lives, until they met and married and immigrated from the eastern provinces to the "Wild West " of pioneer Alberta.
To that end, my semi-weekly blog posts for Medical Man will be on hiatus for the next few months...Please continue to check for coming one is 2:00 to 4:30 pm on June 7 at the Royal Colwood Golf Club in Victoria.