Black & White 291 pages 5.5 x 8.5 inches ISBN: 978-1-7778995-0-9 Silverdog Publishing $19.99 |
The evil that men do lives after them. - Shakespeare
DAMAGED Book I of the Lucy Trilogy A charismatic preacher arrives in a fictional small town in western Alberta. He and his wife and brother-in-law set about establishing their own church, an alternate religion, and very soon have many willing worshippers who are assured by the preacher that they are a chosen and privileged group. He and his family are skilled recruiters of new adherents and experts in sophisticated manipulation and persuasion techniques, more commonly called brainwashing. They are able to induce the members of their congregation to become totally, or almost totally, dependent on their spiritual leader for most of their major life decisions. His cult-like dogma is opposed by one young woman who sees the damage being done to the people in her small town by the preacher’s ever-increasing domination. She is baffled and frightened by what she sees happening to her mother, stepfather, and friends. Along with her younger brother, she publicly resists the power and control exerted by the man who insists on being known as the Prophet. Their resistance will end in tragedy. "I enjoyed the plot and learning more about cult-like churches. The quotations about evil from many different sources at the beginning of each chapter added to the story. It was interesting for me to learn how Josiah and his family wormed their way into the community and how their clever plan unfolded."
- M. S |
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Part 1
Part 2