Thanks to Brad Quarin for his excellent follow-up article on my launch of Medical Man in Blairmore-Coleman in April. Check out page 19 to read all about it.
Earlier this year, I joined a Writers Group. It was probably the best idea I have had for a while. We meet and share our writing and our concerns about what we are creating twice a month in two hour sessions. Completely honest, supportive and happy to help, this group of seven provides each of us with exactly the sort of idea exchange, constructive criticism and encouragement that sends us all back to our individual solitary writing pursuits ready to go at it again.
The members of the group could not be more diverse if they had been deliberately chosen for the variety in their styles and the differing perspectives they bring to their work. Varied life experiences all play a part, many are well travelled, all are bright, capable women. One member of the group is writing mystery and suspense and exploring the memoir form, another tells delightfully humorous tales of her travels, another is a poet, whose work reflects her thoughtful exploration of her life and her compassionate observations of people in urban settings across Canada. Another member writes delicate, poignant memories of her youth, another is an author whose work is grounded in her time in Asia, we have two historians, one writing in novel form about Canadian history, and the other documenting, on a personal level, one of the great tragedies in recent world history. And, finally, a member of the group is a short story writer, whose ability to say a great deal in a very few words is most impressive....our twice monthly sessions together are truly wonderful. There are not enough words to thank the people from the library staff and the people of Drumheller who came to the Meet the Author Event in Drumheller. They made the launch of Medical Man so wonderful for me. Many many people shared their stories of my grandfather ...they were lovely to hear and I enjoyed meeting everyone. I'd like to share one memory of my grandfather with you here. It came to me, written on a sheet of paper from, wait for babysitter, M., who is now in her eighties and who looked after me many, many years ago when I was a very little girl in Drumheller, see photo of me, left, taken about 1943-44, with our dog, Mike. M. told me a sad, but grateful to my grandfather, story. Her dear mother was stricken with a dreadful stroke on November 11, 1943. M.'s father ran down the alley from her house to that of my grandfather to summon the doctor. M. aged 9, and her sister. aged 11, sat with their mother until Robert arrived with his car and carried her with help from M.'s brothers out to his car and to the hospital. Although Robert did all he could, her mother never came out of the stroke and died 9 days later. She was 56 years old and left 11 children. My grandmother, Jennie, sent food and baking and kind words to the bereft family. M. finished her story by writing her thanks from those still living who, " knew and loved your dear grandfather, Dr. T. R. Ross." We've just returned from a mini-book tour of two towns in Alberta where T. Robert Ross, MDCM practiced medicine in the early years of the twentieth century. Coleman is now part of Blairmore AB, so that was our first stop.
We received a warm welcome from the Librarian, Diane DeLauw, and her staff at the Crowsnest Pass Community library where the first Alberta book launch took place. It is a beautiful library and obviously a popular spot for both adults and young people. Diane had set up a table for a book draw so I donated a copy of Medical Man for that as well as donating a copy of Medical Man dedicated to the memory of my grandfather, to the Library collection. The book launch was well attended and everyone had good questions and many stories to share, so it was fun. I was pleased to be able to thank the people, especially the staff of the Crowsnest Pass Museum and Archives, who had assisted with my research four years ago when I revisited the places where my grandfather had practiced ...Coleman from 1910 t0 1919. Next week, Drumheller.....another wonderful, warm, prairie welcome Great article about MEDICAL MAN! Full page spread on page 5.
October 2023
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