The cold has finally eased a little and perhaps spring will come. Right now, it is just all mud. Ma has not been well since she went to Boston with a pain between her shoulders. She and Pa were weighed at Oren’s over a week ago and she weighs 12 pounds more than Pa. She is 148 pounds and Pa has 136. Mrs. Bell Orens has 141 1/2 pounds.
Mrs. Bob Orens has at last decided to have Dr. AJ for the birth when that wonderful event comes which she expects will be in the very near future. She is going to call it, if it be a girl, Louisa-Jeanetta. Such a name for a little creature.
Dr Bickell died. I must write to Nell about the elections in Sudbury. I suppose TJ is almost wild knowing how he feels about his opponents, Dr. Lauderkin against Blythe Mac Millan Clarke will be quite a contest.