I have to stand on a wooden box to reach the counter and the sink. Cooking and clean up are my responsibilities and I am pleased to do them as it means I can stay here and go to school. I love school and I could not go if I still lived on the farm. It is too far and would take too much time to go home every day.
While I wait for the men to come home, I sit at the big kitchen table to do my homework. It is always warm in this room because of the heat of the big stove and I can light the lamp above the table. It gets dark earlier and earlier now and the kitchen window over the sink is not very large.
I miss Pa and Ma and my brothers and sisters, especially little Ellen who is just learning to walk. I miss them most in the evenings when I am alone in the house.
Uncle John is a very church going person. He is going to Church almost every evening and he takes cousin Will with him or Will goes out to visit. I think Will has a lady friend. So I am left alone with my schoolwork.
My room upstairs has a window. It is called a dormer window. There is wallpaper on the walls. It is pretty with flowers. I sleep in Nell’s bed. I like it splendid but I miss Nell. She is already a teacher and now she has gone to Kingston for two years to become a lady doctor. Pa says she is brave. It is hard to be a lady doctor. I hope I can be as brave as Nell.
I see my family on the weekends when Pa or one of my older brothers comes to fetch me in the wagon. I stay on the farm and we go to church together on Sundays. After church, if the weather is poorly, I sometimes go straight to Uncle John’s. Ma is in an interesting way right now, so I know I will have a new baby brother or sister sometime this winter. images: Kingston late 1800's and small church typical for the times |