Robert was here again today. We went for a walk and had a lovely visit. Robert is talking of studying to be a doctor. I would be a doctor’s wife if we married. Nell would like that very much and she is encouraging him to study at Queen’s her old alma mater. I think I would like to live in Kingston, but I would miss Nell and the children and T J who is very kind to me, almost like a second father.
Robert is quite strong and handsome and seems very kind. He is quite an outdoorsman. I know Nell and Mrs. McKenzie talked about Robert’s prospects on Mrs. McKenzie’s last visit here. I think I could be happy with him but it is early days yet. I am not sure I want to leave Sudbury but Nell tells me that Robert’s people have a grand home in Montreal and his mother hopes he will go to medical school at McGill and we would live with her. I am nervous about living with her. She is quite stern in appearance, a very forceful woman.